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M. Russell Thomas, PhD
Aug 20, 20225 min read
The Land of Not as it Seems
The Emperor is naked as a Jay bird! Most know the story. The one where the 2 weavers were actually shysters pulling off one of the...
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M. Russell Thomas, PhD
Jul 10, 20224 min read
Not Many Fathers...
M. Russell Thomas, PhD …For even if you have 10,000 trainers in connection with the Messiah, you do not have many fathers; for in...
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M. Russell Thomas, PhD
May 19, 20224 min read
Theater in the Sky
The Skies Proclaim the Work of His Hands Psalm 19:1-4 M. Russell Thomas, PhD God’s invitation to his children is, always has been, and...
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M. Russell Thomas, PhD
May 9, 20224 min read
A Letter about The Jesus Problem in America
The Jesus Problem by M. Russell Thomas, PhD A man got out of the boat and was met by a man possessed with demons! There wasn’t just one...
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M. Russell Thomas, PhD
Mar 3, 20226 min read
Transforming Old Testament Kids to New Testament Sons & Daughters
Originally Written in 2012 by M. Russell Thomas, PhD May, 2012. I sit down to write this blog today having attempted to do so many times...
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M. Russell Thomas, PhD
Jan 29, 20224 min read
I'm Gonna Write a Letter Today to ...Heaven's Heroes!
I'm writing this letter today to parents, family, neighbors, health care workers and anyone else who are caring for someone with severe...
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M. Russell Thomas, PhD
Dec 26, 20213 min read
I'm gonna write a letter to those celebrating Christmas...
Those celebrating Christmas in 2021, I decided to wait until the day after Christmas this year to write my letter. I thought maybe I'd...
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M. Russell Thomas, PhD
Aug 21, 20213 min read
I'm Gonna Write a Letter to those who Need to Smile at the Insanity...if only for a minute
I write this letter as thousands have been abandoned in Afghanistan to be slaughter by ruthless, heartless and absolutely soul-less...
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M. Russell Thomas, PhD
May 21, 20213 min read
I'm Gonna Write a Letter to My Brother-in-Law, Keith...
Hey Keith, It was great to see you recently and to have all the family together in the beautiful, downtown Charleston. And its always...
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M. Russell Thomas, PhD
Dec 15, 20207 min read
I'm Gonna Write a Letter to...Johnny & the All-American Boys and Girls in America
Dear Johnny and the All-American boys and girls in America, Forgive me for being long winded but please stay with me. In the wee hours...
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M. Russell Thomas, PhD
Dec 12, 20203 min read
I'm Gonna Write a Letter to those in THE LAND of NAIS!
Dear those living in the LAND OF NOT AS IT SEEMS, The LAND OF NAIS? What in the world is NAIS? Well its a couple of things. Its when...
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M. Russell Thomas, PhD
Nov 25, 20204 min read
I'm Gonna Write a Letter to...Those Who Still Think for Themselves
I'm really not a guy who walks around picking fights and trying to stir things up. I'd much prefer to avoid as long as possible, strive...
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M. Russell Thomas, PhD
Nov 7, 20206 min read
I'm Going to Write a Letter to...The Christians of America: Beware of the 819/416 Phenomenon!
Dear Christians of America (COA), I'm writing today to let you know everything is going to be alright. I know that the past week has...
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M. Russell Thomas, PhD
Nov 6, 20203 min read
I'm Gonna Write a Letter to...Myself!
Dear Dr. Thomas, I am writing a letter to you today to remind you of a couple of things. As you are well aware, the stress levels are up...
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M. Russell Thomas, PhD
Nov 3, 20203 min read
A Letter to the American Voter...VOTE!
Dear American Voter, I'm writing this letter today reluctantly. I have a history of avoiding political rankle and not being one to blast...
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M. Russell Thomas, PhD
Aug 27, 20207 min read
The Milgram Experiment: Part Trois!
8/27/20 M. Russell Thomas, PhD Dear American People, Today I write the 3rd and final letter to you regarding the Milgram Experiment and...
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M. Russell Thomas, PhD
Aug 25, 20205 min read
The Milgram Experiment - Part Deux!
The Milgram Experiment: Part Deux 8/24/20 M. Russell Thomas, PhD Dear American People, As promised, I’m back to give the results of the...
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M. Russell Thomas, PhD
Aug 24, 20204 min read
The Milgram Experiment
I'M TICKED OFF! I'm tired of COVID-19! I'm tired of the media pushing narratives down my throat and I have no idea what's true and...
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M. Russell Thomas, PhD
Aug 8, 20202 min read
What's Coming Down the Pike...
Ok. So I wanted to let everyone know that some interesting stuff is coming down the pike in the next few weeks here on the I'm Gonna...
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M. Russell Thomas, PhD
Jun 28, 20202 min read
I'm Gonna Write a Letter!
Starting today, I am changing the name of my blog. Let me briefly explain. My father-in-law has a heart as big as all outdoors. He has...
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